Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Lament

you, the sweetest one
irresistible (to everyone, my dear)

when you went away
a piece of me died too

and I miss you
not like a favourite television show that went off the air in the nineties
or an old song I used to listen to on cassette in high school and can't find anywhere
not like cheap petrol prices or when everyone was fine with tap water
more like a piece of land - home
burned away by the Fire
or like grandmother's jewels
taken one night by thieves dressed in black
perhaps like a rib

we all leave here a little messy in the end
our pages yellow and rolled up
corners folded in by everyone

so now I'm old, grey and soft around the edges
too grey for this bright world
too soft for this stone humanity
and I still miss you so much

Sunday, March 23, 2014

something for us

her life is one hundred yellow helium balloons dancing in the sky
and you and me on earth on tippy toes holding strings
our eyes squinting in the gold sun
the wind moving her this way and that
we hold her forever
  and never

Friday, March 21, 2014

Dare Ocean

on the 18th day you came
we prepared our hearts and lives
but you (always one step ahead of us all, dearest)
arrived with a bang
and stole the show
invaded our hearts like
beautiful, a bit-too-loud-at-first, colourful fireworks
in the night
the ones that take your breath away a little bit
and make you hold onto lovers tight
oh the un-named colours that you are

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Goldie Harlow

you, our darling
are the version of us
we had been waiting for

you answered the questions
and finished the sentences

the stars themselves could not have dreamed
my body growing the divinity that you are

the flesh, spirit and bones in me
some heaven creature
put on earth to change it

the whole ocean can not contain your heart of gold